Point to Ponder

You have to grow from the inside out.
None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.
There is no other teacher but your own soul.

Swami Vivekananda

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Spectrum of Services

Audit and Certifications

Auditing is the core area of excellence for Chartered Accountancy profession. Auditing includes wide varieties of Audits such Company Audits, Taxation Audit, Bank Audits. Our firm has an expertise in various kinds of Audit assignments of various entities.

We offer various kinds of Audit services which are as follows:

1. Corporate Audit

This includes Audit under Companies Act, Internal Audit of the Company, Internal Control Checks, Inventory Verification, HR Audit, Audit of Franchisees/Networks, etc.

2. Taxation Audit

Taxation related Audit services include Audit under Income Tax Act (Tax Audit), Audit under VAT Act (Vat Audit) and other Certifications as required under various tax statutes.

3. Bank Audits

Bank Audit assignments include Branch Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Inspection, Concurrent audit, Income Leakage Audit, Stock Audit, Credit Audit, Migration Audit, Information System Audit, Documentation Audit, Data Verification Audit etc.

Besides having experience and expertise in the above range of Audit services, We have provided the following specialised services;

♦ Regional Office & Branch Reconciliation

♦ Audit On Behalf Of Management Agency (BIFR Companies)

♦ Special Investigation Audit

♦ Dealt with Revenue ledger maintenance & opening of account of Public sector Power distribution for Companies

♦ Internal Audit in the State of Karnataka carried out for Public Sector Undertaking in rural electrification spread over all the 28 Districts

♦ We also provide Certification services under Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax, Excise duty, FEMA, RBI, Export and Import related and various other aspects.